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  2. In Design
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  4. In Fabrication
  5. Fabricated
  6. In Transit
  7. Delivered

Description: We recently won Big Ideas in the Energy and Resource Alternatives category with the idea of developing a low-power clothing iron for use in developing communities with limited access to electricity.

Project views: 141

Project status: Delivered Now accepting: Fabrication Bids

Design Type-Tier: technical-bronze

Design Price: US$25.00 | Payment Pending

Fabrication Price: Paid: US$103.00

Order Number: 20160512211405-453-01-1

Material desired: PLA

Quantity desired: 1

Additional Information: We will be traveling to South Africa to learn more from the communities we wish to serve and to get end-user feedback during the design process. To do this, we would like to have a small scale 3D printed conceptual prototype to bring with us. We have the iron itself printed, but now need the heating plate printed.

I am leaving Berkeley for the summer tomorrow, but Cameron will be around until the 17th when he'll head to St. Louis before leaving the country. Is it possible to have you3Dit print for us before then?

We would like the design files to be printed at 1/2 scale for quicker printing and lower cost fabrication

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